Thursday, December 22, 2011

Stay Safe and Healthy this Holiday Season

"The holiday season can be a wonderful – though stressful – time of year. It is very important remind everyone to take time to focus on the conditions that can increase engaging in unhealthy behaviors such as drinking, drugging and driving. It is also important to pay attention to the  mental and emotional health during the holidays. Traffic accidents and fatalities involving drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs increase during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays.
There are steps you can take to help ensure that you and your loved ones enjoy a safe and happy holiday, including focusing on the prevention of alcohol abuse and drunk and drugged driving. Talk openly about this issue with young people in your life and set a good example. We’ve seen time and again that parents and adults have a big influence on children’s decisions not to drink. For evidence-based approaches on preventing underage drinking, visit the Too Smart To Start and Stop Underage Drinking Portal of Federal Resources Web sites.
If you are hosting or attending holiday parties this year, there are some key things you can do to prevent dangerous “binge alcohol use” and impaired driving.
  • Avoid making alcohol the main focus of social events. Enjoy holiday parties through music, dancing, games, food, and lively conversation.
  • Be sure to offer plenty of nonalcoholic choices such as sparkling water, fancy juice, soft drinks, and bottled drinking water.
  • Stop serving drinks at least 1 hour before the end of the event. Instead, serve coffee, non-alcoholic beverages, and desserts at that time.
  • Avoid salty foods, which are known to encourage people to drink more.  Serve high protein and carbohydrate foods, such as cheese and meats, which can help to slow the effects of alcohol.
  • Recruit designated drivers ahead of time to make sure that everyone has a safe ride home. Be prepared to offer or use other transportation such as cabs or “safe ride” programs in your area; keep the phone numbers of local cab services on hand for yourself and guests.
  • Finally, don’t be afraid to stop a friend or loved one from getting behind the wheel."
Adapted from SAMHSA

We wish everyone a very happy and healthy holiday season!