Saturday, July 9, 2011


Nearly 1 in 12 women and 1 in 45 men will be stalked at least once in their lifetime! That is a huge number considerering 1.5 million people in the United Staes are stalked every year.  Women account for the most number of victims being stalked translating into about 1 million.  Each stalking behavior may not be considered "abnormal" if it is in isolation."   But once the staking behaviors are grouped together, then it can become very dangerous.  Some stalking behaviors are: assaulting the person, sending cards, gift, killing hte victim's pets, threatnening, sexual assault, violation of restraining orders, harrassment, leaving constant voice mails, following the victim and waiting for the victims outside the home, job,  using GPS systems, checking  the victims e-mail, going to the victim's job, etc.   Stalking is illigal, in fact, it is illigal in all 50 states!.  Victms should report these behaviors to authorities for their safety.  Prevention is crucial in combatting this problem.  One  idea is to document all evidence so once it is presented to the authorities, they can begin the investingation process and provide you with more ways on how to protect yourself.   Stalking should be considered very serious and dangerous and although we tend to think that only celebreties are stalked, that is a myth.  Most people who stalk know their victims very well and they may currently be in an intimate relationship.  If you are a vicitm of stalking or know somebody who is, do not think that it will go away.  The damage is real and the sense of safety may be lost.  Please seek help either with us (954) 835-5741, or contact your local authorities. If you want more information about staking, you can visit

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