Monday, October 24, 2011

On Substance Abuse - Red Ribbon Week

This week, in the US, we celebrate Red Ribbon Week.It is the nation's oldest and largest drug prevention program and it is celebrated on the last week of October. Usually, people honor this week by wearing a red ribbon to express their desire for a drug free world and making pledges to live a drug-free lifestyle. 

A little history on Red Ribbon Week: It was created as a tribute to Kiki Camarena, a DEA agent who dedicated his life to erradicate drug trafficking.  While in a mission in Mexico, Kiki was kidnapped, tortured and murdered by drug traffickers.  His death helped us realize the dangers and the international scope of drug trade.  It also has helped communities and invididuals to take a stand for the hopes and dreams of our society.

Red Ribbon Week serves as an educational tool for prevention - which is the most cost-effective approach to avoid drug use.

Unfortunately 6% of the US population over the ages of 12 use drugs.  It is important to understand that no one is immune from the consequences of substance use/abuse. It happens in every socio-economic level, every religion, race, ethnic background, and in every neighborhood. Every family is vulnerable and the consequences are catastrophic. Substance abuse affect every member of the family.  As parents and educators and society in general we must make a commitment to reduce substance use in children and adults!

Keep in mind - Addiction is Preventable!

Here is a great  PSA from CASA on how parents  ( the MOST influential people in a child's life)  can decrease the likelihood that their kids will use drugs. TALK

1 comment:

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